Humanitarian & Conservation
As native born Africans, Hunters & Conservationists, with respect for our fellow conservationists and our beloved continent we are committed to a purpose – the modernization of our society without loosing the African personality, while implementing the concept of “conservation through utilization”.
We support the development and upliftment of local communities and also the education of such communities in order for all to understand and appreciate the benefits of wildlife conservation and the concept of “Conservation through utilization’.
The integration of the hunting industry and wildlife conservation with modern science and technology is inevitable in order to support the upliftment of such communities and management of human wildlife conflict as well as habitat protection.
Education on conservation awareness is important to prevent the misapplication and waste of the wealth of our rivers and lakes, forests and wildlife.
It is our responsibility to protect our natural heritage, and we believe there is not a more efficient vehicle, other than hunting, to initiate, justify and finance this process.
– The Management
Namibia’s conservation success story is attributed to CBNRM. It is a concept that the rural and somewhat nomadic pastoralists benefit from the wildlife that are in direct competition to their livelihoods. In exchange for their tolerance of living with these potentially dangerous destructive animals, they benefit from the consumptive and non consumptive utilisation of these animals in the form of hunting, tourism, meat (protein), employment and development. The right to manage the wildlife resources is given back to these rural communities to decide on the most beneficial way to utilise certain species with the help of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and various non-profit organisations like WWF and IRDNC.
Community game scouts are employed to protect and monitor the game numbers, curb poaching, and communities actively protect the animals that they would otherwise drive out, providing more available land where the animals can continue to co-exist with humans. It allows more free movement of animals and their genetic signature, that would otherwise be contained in National Park and private reserve “Islands”.
CBNRM is currently the most advanced conservation model available, and due to this, wildlife numbers in these rural areas have increased drastically to numbers exceeding original expectations. Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC) still seems to be the biggest obstacle, and will always exist because of he increasing numbers of both humans and wildlife competing for the same resource, in a barren country like Namibia.